Basic information about the medical organization
State Autonomous health care institution of the Penza region "Penza dental clinic" is represented by 14 independent offices in all districts of the city of Penza, and also in Kamenka, village kondol', Great Elan, Zolotarevka.
Dental clinic is the leading medical institution of the city of Penza and Penza region.
The polyclinic is equipped with the most modern equipment, tools, medicines and filling materials.
The institution employs about 1,000 employees, including about 400 doctors, 300 people of secondary medical personnel, many of whom are certified for the highest and first qualification categories.
Types of medical services provided
According to license number LO-58-01-002378 issued on 23.03.2020 by the Ministry of health of the Penza region, the clinic provides specialized dental care in all sections of dentistry:
- dental therapy;
- dental surgery;
- orthopedics;
- orthodontics;
- radiology;
- physiotherapy.
The algorithm of treatment in a medical organization
The provision of dental care in all departments is carried out both within the framework of the CHI program and on a paid basis.
Rules for recording the initial reception (добавить ссылку на правила записи)
Contact information
Address: 440000, Penza city, Volodarsky's street, 69